Musical Worldview: Derek Webb, "A King and A Kingdom"


“Who's your brother? Who's your sister?
You just walked passed him
I think you missed her
As we're all migrating to a place where our father lives
Because we married into a family of immigrants

So my first allegiance is not to a flag, a country or a man
No, my first allegiance is not to democracy or blood
It's to a King and a kingdom

There are two great lies that I've heard
"The day you eat of the fruit of that tree, you will not surely die"
And that Jesus Christ was a white, middle-class republican
And if you wanna be saved, you have to learn to be like Him

So my first allegiance is not to a flag, a country or a man
No, my first allegiance is not to democracy or blood
It's to a King and a kingdom

But nothing unifies like a common enemy
And we've got one, sure as hell
He may be living in your house
He may be raising up your kids
He may be sleeping with your wife
Oh no, he may not look like you think”

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