Prayer For Those Dying In War Or Economic Chaos from the United Church of Christ


“Hear our prayer for all those
who will die today because of war and economic oppression, especially the

Prepare them for the agony,
despair, and terror of the violence that is upon them. Comfort them and hold
them close to the bosom of your most Immaculate Heart as they drink deeply of
the bitter cup which is forced upon them. Wipe their tears, calm their fears,
welcome them to peace and safety. Eternal rest grant to them, and may perpetual
light shine upon them. May all rise in judgment against the wickedness that
brings this violence upon the world.

Overturn the thrones of
tyranny, scatter the unjust, cast down the bloody rulers who make the cry of
the widow and orphan rise to heaven. Give us your grace and strength to stand
against the demonic powers which prowl about the world seeking the ruin of
souls. Grant that peace with justice will come to all the world.

A Prayer For Peace From The United Church Of Christ

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“O God, who would fold both
heaven and earth in a single peace:
Let the design of your great love lighten upon the waste of our wraths and sorrows:
and give peace to your Church, peace among nations,
peace in our dwellings, and peace in our hearts:
through your Son our Savior Jesus Christ.

On This Day . . .

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“Mend a quarrel
Search out a forgotten friend
Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust
Write a love letter
Share some treasures
Give a soft answer
Encourage youth

Manifest your loyalty in a word or deed
Keep a promise
Find the time
Forego a grudge
Forgive an enemy
Apologize if you were wrong

Try to understand
Flout envy
Examine your demands on others
Think first of someone else
Appreciate, be kind, be gentle
Laugh a little more.
Deserve confidence

Take up arms against malice
Decry complacency
Express your gratitude
Worship your God
Gladden the heart of a child
Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth

Speak your love
Speak it again
Speak it still again
Speak it still once again....

 ~Author Unknown

A Prayer In Time of War

“Almighty and merciful God,
give us rest from the storms of war.
You will give us all good things
when you give us peace of soul and body;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

O God our Defender,
look on us and protect us from fear of the “enemy”.
Remove all disturbances
that we may serve you with minds free from distraction;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

O Lord,
be gracious to us in our times.
In your goodness,
maintain both national quietness and Christian devotion;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Almighty and eternal God,
crush the force of our enemies
so that we may celebrate your holy service
with undisturbed minds;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

O Lord,
let the invincible defense of your power
be the fortress of your faithful people.
Free them from the assault of enemies
that they may be devoted to you with holy love
and always persevere in your grace;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

O God,
Maker of the universe,
the course of the world proceeds by your command.
Hear our prayers
and give us now the tranquility of peace
that we may continually rejoice in your mercy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

  • Found in The New Ancient Collects: Based on Ancient Collects and Other Prayers Selected for Devotional Use from Various Rituals by William Bright, Completely Revised and Refreshed by Paul C. Stratman (2017).

A Prayer For Times of Conflict


“O God, you have bound us together in a common life. Help us,
in the midst of our struggles for justice and truth, to confront
one another without hatred or bitterness, and to work
together with mutual forbearance and respect; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. “

  • Found at the Online Book of Common Prayer

A Prayer For God's Peace

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“God, who is more than we can ever comprehend,
help us to seek you,
and you alone.
Help us to stand before all that we could do
and seek what you would do,
and do that.
Lift from us our need to achieve all that we can be
and instead,
surrender to what you can be in us.
Give us ways to refrain from the busyness
that will put us on edge and off center,
give us today your peace.”

(Author Unknown)

A Prayer For Justice From The United Church of Christ


“Grant us, Lord God, a vision of your world
as your love would have it:
a world where the weak are protected,
and none go hungry or poor;
a world where the riches of creation are shared,
and everyone can enjoy them;
a world where different races and cultures
live in harmony and mutual respect;
a world where peace is built with justice,
and justice is guided by love.
Give us the inspiration and courage to build it,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

(taken from the United Church of Christ “Prayers” page)